Few days later I got the feedback through my Mom. Host happend to be really irritated and puzzled by my behaviour of sitting in a corner and reading a book in his dinner party. Seemingly antisocial , rude and inconsiderate behaviour in someone's party. And my mother's advise to me was to not to do anything strange , quirky and absurd thing like that in the future. If i would have got this feed back few years back , this remarks and feedbacks about my nonconventional behaviour would have made me feel sad and bad. A feeling of being socially ridiculed , laughed at and being categorised as being different would have made me want to try harder to become socially acceptable and being loved.
But you know what ? I really dont give a rat's arse now. Why ? Because thats how I am. if people have problem with that , then its their problem. Not mine. Im different. If people cant get it, why would I bother to care ?
Sounds familiar ? Maybe. Maybe not. Instead of writing much Ill put some videos. I have RSI (Repetitive strain injuries ) on both my hands at the moment by overusing the keyboard. So till they get healed I can not write much. but I intend to do so once im Oky.
What is Asperger Syndrome? - Part 1
What is Asperger Syndrome? - Part 2
What is Asperger Syndrome? - Part 3
What is Asperger Syndrome? - Part 4
My life with Asperger's: Daniel Wendler